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[STUB] Deploying a single node Kubernetes cluster with k3s

·1 min·
Warning! Still a stub!

In this tutorial we’re going to deploy some single-node Kubernetes clusters for testing purposes with K3s, which is by far the easiest method.

Install k3s in your server

We’re assuming you’re currently using some kind of server, like a VPS or a spare bare machine. Connect to it then run:

curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sh -

That’s easy, then copy the resultant kubeconfig stored in /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml into your machine. You might edit the .clusters[0].cluster.server according to your configuration or your server address.

ArgoCD installation

Refer to ArgoCD documentation. But, if TL;DR:

kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argoproj/argo-cd/stable/manifests/install.yaml

Get the password:

argocd admin initial-password -n argocd

And get into the UI:

kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443

Please change the password.

Installing Cert-Manager

In Argo UI, create the app with the Helm Chart. Or just use the CLI.